Personalized: Customer Strategy In The Age of AI

Together with my co-author, Mark Abraham, Head of BCG's Marketing Practice, I am about to release the book we’ve written to address the opportunities around Personalization today. It teaches you how to use personalization in a world where consumers expect more, instantly and seamlessly. We outline the Five Promises of Personalization as a foundational framework for helping companies master customer experience delivery and capture their share of the $2 trillion personalization prize.

Decades of Thought Leadership at the Intersection of Marketing and Technology

Over the years, I've published articles in the Harvard Business Review, on my own LinkedIn blog, and through BCG and McKinsey. These works have served as foundations for curricula at business schools, workshops with leaders from major corporations, and keynotes at conferences around the world.

Recognized thought leadership for 30+ years:

1989: “Segment-of-One Marketing,”

2010: “Customer Decision Journey,”

Today: “CX in the Age of AI”

Harvard Business Review Publications:

Harvard Business School Cases on AI:

BCG & McKinsey Publications:

Let's discuss how to unlock your company's
potential from AI and personalization