The Personalize Academy

Learn To Drive Growth Through Personalization

As consumers, we already are seeing the power of AI and personalization in action, choosing to do more business with brands that bring us value because of the smart ways they use customer information. They make it easier, faster, and often, cheaper for us to get things done. Competition, based on how brands use personal information, is heating up. Beyond just using AI to get more efficient, AI is becoming the lever to drive growth. Personalization unlocks that growth potential.

As leaders, I really believe that we all need to stay on top of the trends, understand what is possible, and actively try out new strategies.

That’s what the Personalize Academy is setting out to do.

It’s a combination of Strategy, Methodology, Case Studies and operational “how-to’s”.

But above all, I am looking to build a community. We’re all in this together, with different specialties and perspectives. And the more we share, the easier it is for us all to deliver truly Personalized marketing.

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We All Want Personalization!

But Why Is It So Difficult?

The Technology Is Moving Fast.

AI advances challenge marketers. Constant learning is vital to avoid falling behind competitors and maintain effective personalization strategies.

It’s About More Than Cool Tech.

Integrating AI strategically is crucial for meaningful marketing. Novelty alone overlooks the planning, analysis, and execution needed for effectiveness.

Organizations Are Complicated.

Siloed data in complex organizations hinders personalization. Coordinating teams and aligning stakeholders is crucial for seamless AI integration.

Help Is Difficult To Find.

Expertise merging AI and marketing is rare. Scarce guidance hinders success, leaving businesses struggling with implementation barriers and ROI.

Everyone Is Pioneering.

AI in marketing lacks established practices. It requires experimentation and iteration to unlock AI's full potential and gain competitive advantage.

Change Is Always Difficult.

AI adoption challenges mindsets and routines. Overcoming resistance and fostering innovation are vital for leveraging AI's marketing potential.

How Do You Really Drive Personalization?

  • First, you have to understand your customers. Define how Personalization can empower them to do more, in a simpler, faster, and even cheaper way.

  • Then you need to determine how you can activate data and capabilities you have today, while exploring what will be possible soon.

  • Next you have to set priorities, and get support across the organization for the strategy you’ve laid out and the changes ahead

  • The skills and people you bring to the project are key to your success, but they have to be prepared to try new ideas, take risks, and stretch themselves

  • Agile methodologies can help you gear up for rapid cycles of innovating, testing, tracking, and optimizing

  • You’ll know there is no real end-point - this is the start of your Personalization journey. Organizational boundaries will fall, data capabilities will expand, and customers will see how you deliver breakthrough value, driving a cycle of improving advantage

The Personalize Academy.
Supporting Your Journey

A weekly course of videos featuring frameworks, examples, and exercises to help you immediately make progress

The Methodology

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The Journey

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The Community

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